When are you free? What do you want to do?
I don't know, when are you free?


User Experience & User Interface

Flök is a side project that I am working on with a handful of my peers.

It is an app designed to make arranging events with your friends easier, quicker and less formal than a standard calendar application.

If you would like to have a chat about this project, or want to work on something similar, please get in touch.

Flök works on a navigation based around invitation cards sitting in three sdections; Inbox, Accepted and rejected.

Pulling down will unfurl the rejected section that acts as an archive of any events that you don't wish to attend.

Tapping on a card will reveal the card detail, showing the title, information, location and attendees of the selected event.

A rejected event will feature red accents.

If a user hasn't responded to an invitation, it appears neutral.

Within the event detail, the user can respond to the event by long-pressing on the circle icon to the lower left.

To the lower right, if the user long-presses on the share icon, they can chose to share to external networks or add the event to their calendar.

Sharing to an external network will invoke the native share sheet.

If the user accepts the an invitation, the event will feature green accents.

If the user scrolls within the event detail page, they will be able to see more information, such as the event's location on a map.

The user will also be able to see the event's attendees by tapping on the attendees icons.

If the user creates a new event they will be able to assign; a title, a time, a date, an event description, the invitees and a location.

Tapping on each field will focus on each individual entry.

Once a user has accepted an invitation, it will be moved to the accepted section which is aaccessed by pulling it up from the home screen.