Helping people quit smoking through an iOS application

Quit Genius

User Experience & User Interface

Whilst working with the studio, Elsewhen, I helped Quit Genius design an application to help people quit smoking. Using extensive behaviour research, we created an experience that incentivised users to progress through the course to greatly increase their chances to quit smoking.

If you would like to have a chat about this project, or want to work on something similar, please get in touch.

"We'd see doctors go and tell patients that they have to quit smoking without giving them any tangible support to do that. There wasn't really anything that we as doctors would feel happy prescribing, and we saw a real opportunity to deliver something that could be of value to people."

Dr Yusuf Sherwani, Apple App Stories

The home screen shows an overview of the Quit Genius course

After leaving Elsewhen and since its initial release, I have updated the Quit Genius UI as part of a refresh exercise.

Tapping into a stage will reveal activity cards that the user progresses through

The Quit Genius team have gone on to be featured by Apple in the App Store in an App Store story

These activities are a combination of quizes, audio-logs and challenges – all based on a Cognative Behavioural Therapy method

Once all the activities have been completed, the user swipes to complete a stage, adding to their sense of accomplishment